Rebecca Ackroyd

Rebecca Ackroyd (UK) lives and works in London. She graduated from the Royal Academy School in 2015 after completing her BA in Fine Art at Byam Shaw School of Art in 2010. Most recently Ackroyd has presented solo exhibitions at Gallery Weekend Berlin – Peres Projects, 2018; DRAIN – Galleri Opdahl, Stavanger, Norway; The Root – Zabludowicz Collection invites series, London; House Fire at Outpost Gallery, Norwich. Recent group exhibitions include: Independent Art Fair, New York; Beacons/ Pharos – Caustic Coastal, Manchester; Lit – Union Pacific, London; Walled Gardens in an Insane Eden – z2o Sara Zanin Gallery, Rome and many more. Ackroyd’s practice involves digging down into existing objects and memories and reconfiguring them into something new. Her installations offer dream-like fictional landscapes informed by tough realities. Through shifting scales and moods, from the arrestingly bold and absurd to the subtle and intimate, the work pursues a feminist exploration of the psychology of space and the ownership of bodies. At Rupert artist is planning to make a series of drawings and written works that correspond with one another and will explore the context of her artistic practice as a whole.