Gosia Lehmann

Gosia Lehmann (Poland/Germany) is an artist, who works in a research driven approach. Using techniques from film-making and theatre, she explores the interdependent relationship between fact and belief and how arbitrary the distinction between… More

Ren Loren Britton & Goda Klumbytė

REN LOREN BRITTON is a trans*disciplinary artist and researcher tuning with practices of critical pedagogy, trans*feministtechnoscience and disability justice. Playing with the queer potential of undoing norms they practice joyful accountability to matters of… More

Tom Clark

Tom Clark is a curator, writer and researcher. He is a lecturer at Manchester School of Art, and worked on international curatorial and publishing projects. In 2024, Tom received his PhD in Art, Curating… More

Ceci Moss

As a curator, writer, and educator with two decades of professional practice, Ceci Moss is dedicated to leveraging art to foster empathy, human connection, intellectual exchange, and creative experimentation. Her work is driven by… More

Stephanie Rizaj

Stephanie Rizaj is a visual artist who splits her time between places of endless stories. Her practice ranges from sculptures to installations and videos, where she weaves together biomythological narratives with a critique of… More