Qu Chang

Qu Chang

Qu Chang is a curator and writer based in Berlin. She is the curator of discursive practices at Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, and serves as the co-producer of Shekmai Space, Dongguan in… More

Lou Sheppard

Lou Sheppard

Lou Sheppard is a Canadian artist working in interdisciplinary audio, performance and installation based practices. His work focuses on climate crisis, loss, queer bodies and ecologies, responding to the material and discursive histories of… More

Susan Finlay

Susan Finlay

SUSAN FINLAY (UK/Germany) is an artist who writes. Recent books include the anti-memoir ‘The Lives of the Artists’ (JOAN 2023) and the novel ‘The Jacques Lacan Foundation’ (MOIST 2022). Shorter pieces of her work… More



Futurefarmers is an international working group founded in San Francisco in 1995 and working in Gent, Belgium since 2003. They are artists, architects, computer programmers, farmers, writers and anthropologists who form collaborative constellations based… More

Lithic Alliance

Lithic Alliance

Lithic Alliance is a more-than-human collective predominantly working with the lithological realm and the energies and vibrations that emerge in this mineralized entanglement. Their research digs into the ecological and geopolitical foundation of co-existence,… More