Santiago Taccetti & Laurie Kang – 255.155.2612

Rupert kindly invites you all to our February residents Laurie Kang and Santiago Taccetti showcase of works 255.155.2612 starting 3pm, Monday, 26 February in the Pakrantė gallery space and Studio 3 (Vaidilutes st. 79, Vilnius).
There is a long tradition of walking and thinking: they are acts that can be politically subversive (see the Situationists International), dandyish and voyeuristic (see the flâneur and flâneuse), meditative, boring, pointless and unproductive (see Frédéric Gross, Drew Milne). Laurie Kang and Santiago Taccetti have taken many walks around Rupert. In the work developed and shown here, they have gathered their observations on these explorative walks. Together, their work shows a shared interest in details and close looking. For both, the act of observing is situated, embodied, inextricable from thought, an ‘active event’, to borrow Laurie Kang’s words; a ‘combinational’ process of looking, collecting, recording and remembering, to draw on Santiago Taccetti’s thoughts. If we sense that despondency and complacency are dominant moods today, especially in the realm of politics, then both Kang and Taccetti remind us of the role of wonder with the world as profoundly important.
Santiago Taccetti – Argentinian artist, currently lives and works in Berlin. He has exhibited work in venues such as Cabaret Voltaire, Manifesta 11 in Zürich, Centre d’art Santa Monica, CCCB Barcelona, Istituto Italo Latinomericano in Rome, La Panaderia in Mexico City, CC San Martin and CC Recoleta in Buenos Aires, 1857 in Oslo as well as at Retrospective Gallery and the Baryshnicov Art Center in New York. He is the co-founder of the ongoing project Stoneroses.
Laurie Kang – Canadian artist, currenly based in Toronto. Kang works in photography, sculpture, installation and video; has exhibited internationally at Topless, New York; The Power Plant Gallery, Cooper Cole, 8-11, The Loon, Franz Kaka, Toronto; L’inconnue, Montreal; Carl Louie, London; Wroclaw Contemporary Museum, Wroclaw; Raster Gallery, Warsaw; Camera Austria, Graz; Tag Team; Bergen. She was recently artist in residence at Tag Team, Bergen; The Banff Center, Alberta; and Interstate Projects, Brooklyn. Upcoming exhibition sites include Gallery TPW, Toronto, and Interstate Projects; Brooklyn. Kang lives and works in Toronto and holds an MFA from the Milton Avery School of the Arts at Bard College.
Rupert can be easily reached by bus no. 15, leaving from “Tverečiaus” bus stop at hourly intervals. After passing “Turniškės” it turns around and stops at “2-asis paplūdimys”, right in front of Rupert. Or by taxi (an approx. price from the center is 5-6 EUR)
Rupert Residency program is kindly supported by Lithuanian Council for Culture and Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania.
The event is supported by Office of the Embassy of Canada to Lithuania.