A prelude to the AEP final event – online at Ola Radio!

Date: 1 November
Time: 6-9 pm (CET)
For the first time, Rupert’s Alternative Education Programme (AEP) participants had a residency in Marseille, in collaboration with the contemporary art and residency centre Triangle-Astérides. As part of The Season of Lithuania in France 2024, eight Lithuanian and international artists – Samuel Barbier-Ficat, Donna Marcus Duke, Gabrielė Černiavskaja, Ieva Rižė, Ieva Gražytė, Marketa Slana, Martyna Ratnik and Greta Štiormer stayed there for two weeks in October, participating in workshops, working with artist mentors, and developing and presenting their projects. The Rupert programme in France will culminate in an event on Ola Radio on Friday 1 November, where these artists will present their practices to audiences in Marseille and worldwide.
In addition to the work with Triangle-Astérides and Ola Radio teams, the AEP group participated in workshops and mentorship sessions with Marseille-based artists Hannah Black and Mariam Benbakkar. Participants also exchanged with students at the Beaux-Arts de Marseille art academy, and met other local cultural initiatives and practitioners.
This year’s programme is jointly led by Rupert’s current curators, JL Murtaugh and Goda Palekaitė.
Design: Marijn Degenaar.
Rupert’s activities are funded by the Lithuanian Council for Culture. The Alternative Education Programme’s activities in Marseille are co-curated with Victorine Grataloup (Triangle-Astérides and is part of Season of Lithuania in France 2024 which is funded by the Lithuanian Culture Institute and the French Institute.