Film presentation
Anastasija Sosunova: Demikhov Dog

Anastasija Sosunova and Rupert together with curator Adomas Narkevičius kindly invite you to the presentation evening of ‘Demikhov Dog’, a new video work by Anastasia Sosunova. It will take place on 3 December, from 4 pm in Žvėrynas hall of Ignalina Sports and Culture Centre (Ateities str. 43, Ignalina). Demikhov dog is the result of experiments conducted by the Soviet Union scientist Vladimir Demikhov, who carried out the world’s first head transplant operations in 1954. During the course of those experiments, two headed dogs, able to survive for a while, were created. The artist uses these experiments as an allegory to discuss cultural differences and conflicts of identity in their immediate surroundings. The footage used in the work was collected in Ignalina and Vilnius, combined with fictitious characters, reality chimeras, and not quite Lithuanian stories. During the event, visitors are invited to join the review of the video and informal discussions whilst enjoying beverages chosen by the artist. Entrance is free of charge.
Anastasija Sosunova (b. 1993) is an artist from Ignalina who lives and works in Vilnius. Anastasia graduated from Bachelor’s Degree in Graphic Arts and this year she gained Master’s Degree in Sculpture at the Vilnius Academy of Fine Arts. The artist’s creative practice includes sculpture, print, video, design and drawing, all combined in her installations. In 2016, Anastasia was a participant in Rupert‘s Alternative Education Program and she spent the fall of the same year working with the artist Laure Prouvost in her studio in Belgium learning everything about exhibition installation. In 2017, Anastasija trained at Kim?, Center for Contemporary Arts in Riga, and represented the Vilnius Academy of Arts at the StartPoint Exhibition of European Art Graduates in Prague. Currently, in her artistic practice, she is looking for new ways to define and present the mankind, analyzing the phenomenon of “alien” in the context of different communities, using personal experience of identity research and artistic research methods.
We kindly thank Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania, Lithuanian Council for Culture and Vilnius City Municipality for supporting Rupert programs and event partners Ignalina Culture and Sports Centre Cultural Department and Fine Art Studio.