core.pan – Void of course

Rupert is pleased to invite to a showcase of current summer residents core.pan (Sybil Montet & Simon Kounovsky). The event will take place on Wednesday, August 29th from 6 pm at Rupert (Vaidilutės str. 79) and will feature works in progress related to their researches at the edge of the forest, through printed material, VR tableaux, and sculptural situations. The event is free of charge and open to public, light refreshments will be served.
core.pan spent the summer at Rupert, using this time to reflect on their essence as a collaborative duo, and confront themselves with matter and its secretive rules. Metamorphosis in the physical realm is not something you can rush, unlike digital. No matter which shape the process took – detailed, faithful precious craft, impulsive burning, impassible stone carving, airbrush fantasy – they looked for future shapes, created models for potential big scale sculptures. At the top of this process, they wandered in natural scapes in search of perfect compositions, in order to display sculptural works they produced here, and crystallized the scene by the means of photogrammetry. They attempt to experience and embody in their works the blurred notions of liminality and transformation – catalyze the numinous, continuously emerging forces of nature into minimal configurations.
An online extension of the showcase will be launched on the event day.
Soundscape by their friend & collaborator, the Belgian producer ssaliva.
Rupert Residency program is kindly supported by Lithuanian Council for Culture.