Educational program
End of the Year Presentations

You are kindly invited to Rupert’s Educational Program End of the Year Presentations which will take place this Saturday in Rupert at 1.30 pm.
Participants Julijus Balčikonis (LT), Jamie Kane (UK), Ieva Kraule (LV), Kristina Skaldina (LT), Jonas Vaitiekūnas (LT) and Lina Zaveckytė (LT) will present works produced during the program: a video about feeling incredibly soft, a publication set in Arcadia, a live broadcast from Svajonių stotelė and more.
Come see the works and have some drinks and snacks with us in the sun.
You can reach Rupert by bus 15 from Tverečiaus stop or sign up for a free mini-van leaving from the city centre at 1 pm, here (limited number of seats):
This year’s Educational program was made possible due to generous support from Lithuanian Council for Culture, Goethe Institute in Vilnius, Polish institute in Vilnius and others.
Our Educational Program was developed out of a need for combining art education and professional production and for facilitating exchange between lecturers, participants, artists, curators and other international creative practitioners and researchers from both within and outside the field of contemporary art. The Educational Program is a degreeless, non-academic program. Every year it selects a small group of people with aspirations to realize individual projects and offers them practical and theoretical support to enhance and realize them. In addition, it offers wider professional support and access to resources and community, encouraging participants to learn through practice.