Holly Childs

Holly Childs (Australia/Netherlands) is a writer and artist living in Amsterdam and Sydney, researching the language and emotions in and of ecological and computational systems. Author of Danklands (Arcadia Missa, 2014-7) and No Limit (Hologram, 2014). Postgraduate researcher in The New Normal program 2017 at Strelka Institute, Moscow. Recent presentations of her work include: Patternist, a collaboratively developed urban exploration AR game demo (2017); Hydrangea 1 with J. G. Biberkopf for Rupert, Vilnius (2017); Have The Dusk Deepen for Rogue Agents curated by Auto Italia, at Firstdraft, Sydney (2017); art writer in Adam Linder’s choreographic service Some Proximity at Biennale of Sydney (2016); Danklands [Swamped]for Liquid Architecture, National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne (2015) and as curator of Quake II, Arcadia Missa, London (2014) and waterfalls.biz at Slopes, Melbourne (2014). In residence at Rupert she will be preparing two works in development for presentation in late 2018. Uncanny Valley Girl, a collaboration with Australian choreographer Angela Goh, and Hydrangea a series of audio and performance works created in collaboration with J. G. Biberkopf.