Lithic Alliance

Lithic Alliance is a more-than-human collective predominantly working with the lithological realm and the energies and vibrations that emerge in this mineralized entanglement. Their research digs into the ecological and geopolitical foundation of co-existence, animisms and the rights of nature resulting in multifaceted projects that investigates connections spanning over vast temporalities to identify phenomenological correspondence and queer kinship.
Lithic Alliance investigates vibrancy as a medium of interspecies communication and listening that goes beyond systematically traceable signals. Sound synthesis, movement and performances serve as tools to establish connections and circles of exchange with material others to collectively work on speculations of temporalities, deep time relationships and near future scenarios.
Lithic Alliance exhibited/ performed amongst others at ICA London (UK), Stems Brussels (BE), Kunsthalle Bern (CH), Art Safiental Biennale (CH), Haus Konstruktiv Zürich (CH), A Domestic Art Fair ADAF (BE), Saachi Gallery (UK), P/////AKT Amsterdam (NL), Jeanine Hofland (NL), Couronne Bienne (CH), Gasträume Zürich (CH).