Mediated Monologues with Isla Leaver-Yap

Mediated Monologues is a one-sided conversation with writers living, dead and automated.
The event will take place at Vilnius Academy of Arts, Lecture Hall 112 (Maironio St. 3, New building) at 5 pm
Isla Leaver-Yap works with artists to produce essays, books, exhibitions, and events. Recent projects include work with Richard Birkett, Stan Brakhage, Elaine Cameron-Weir, Charlie Chaplin, Moyra Davey, Maria Fusco, Will Holder, Derek Jarman, Sam Korman, Park McArthur, Charlotte Prodger, James Richards, Lucy Skaer, Cara Tolmie, Sue Tompkins, and Dena Yago. Her voice is the vocal typography of The Serving Library and James Langdon. She is based in Glasgow where she is the director of LUX Scotland, and Minneapolis where she is the Walker Art Center’s Bentson Film Scholar. Her new publication Heat Island is the seventh issue of The Happy Hypocrite. @islaly