New Residents Announced

Dear All,
I’d like to reveal the names of new residents selected for the period of July- December, 2014. The jury, consisting of artist Liudvikas Buklys, curator Alex Davidson (Rupert’s Educational Program representative) and Rupert’s Artistic Director Justė Jonutytė selected 13 final projects from several hundred applications from across the world. The artists, curators and writers selected for residency are: Ivan Galuzin (Norway/Russia)Laurent-David Garnier (Netherlands/France)Styrmir Orn Gudmundsson (Netherlands/Iceland)Eglė Kulbokaitė (Germany/ Lithuania) & Manuel Scheiwiller (Austria)Monika Lipšic (Lithuania)Ciscaucasus XabarnamaGerda Paliušytė (Lithuania)Požemis (United Kingdom/Lithuania)Matthew Rana (Sweden/Germany/USA)Aneta Rostkowska (Poland)Maija Rudovska (Latvia)Matthew Shannon (Netherlands/Australia) Marnie Slater (Belgium/New Zealand).New Open Call for Residency and Educational Programs will be announced in August 2014 so please keep an eye on our website for more news.Best,Rupert-Image: Rupert resident Daniel J. Glendening studio view