Photo documentation | ‘Earth Bonds II’

Photo documentation of Earth Bonds II that took place at Rupert on May 4.

‘We meet outside – the river, the forest, the crowd, the stories. The stories, light or not – they endure, the narrative remains here. These conditions can seem too heavy, these struggles may appear detering. Jointly, we notice it is now we choose the inwards; perhaps, the dwelling will let us in.

Not that we will rearrange this house, while sipping the tea, gazing at the lights, it is the whisper that reminds you to breathe deeper. What functions are critical while dreaming of futures, when will you feel ready to picture? Letting in and out what’s needed; the breeze, the open windows. What does it take to sustain?

The dusk, the ashing-fire-coloured sky, we choose to come out, to be outdoors. The cocoons of webs are crackling and cracking – these webs turning into ashes, yet the fluttering body is twitching again. Being part of the cycled system, preserving its particles, we live and fluctuate.’

Text by Rugilė Miliukaitė.
Photo credits – Andrej Vasilenko.

Curators: JL Murtaugh, Viktorija Šiaulytė, Rugilė Miliukaitė
Coordinator: Rugilė Miliukaitė
Production manager: Eglė Kliučinskaitė
Communication: Aistė Marija Stankevičiūtė
Graphic design: Marijn Degenaar
Sound engineer: Ignas Juzokas
Light design: Justas Bø
Advisor: Antanas Gerlikas
Technicians: Matas Šatūnas, Jokūbas Adamonis
Translator: Paulius Balčytis
Copy-editor: Evelina Zenkutė

The sustainable institution project is funded by the European Union and Lithuanian Culture Institute.

Earth Bonds II is part of the long-term international project the sustainable institution, Rupert’s multiyear cooperation with partners E-WERK Luckenwalde (Germany) and LUMA Arles (France). This project is co-funded by the European Union and Teltow-Fläming. Rupert’s programmes are financed by the Lithuanian Council for Culture.

Supported by: Vilnius City Municipality, Tech Zity.