Reading Exercises: a Performative Reading by Eleanor Vonne Brown

The exercises by Eleanor Vonne Brown, currently in residence at Rupert, will take place as part of a meeting with two unique art publishers and distributors, “Lugemik” of Tallinn and “X Marks the Bökship” of London. The event will take place on Thursday, February 12 at 6:30 pm at the CAC Reading Room.
Exercise: Instant Action Replay
Turn this page backwards and forwards at a speed of your choice whilst reading a word aloud from it.
X Marks the Bökship is a bookshop and project space for independent publishers in London, UK. It specialises in small press publications by artists, poets and designers. It promotes contemporary publishing activity through regular book launches, events and production resources that bring together individual practitioners to create a local publishing community. X Marks the Bökship was set up by Eleanor Vonne Brown in 2008 in collaboration with Donlon Books. It became an independent bookshop in 2011. It moved to its current location at Matt’s Gallery, London in 2014. X Marks the Bökship has a small publishing programme which includes titles Man Aarg! Poetry, Essay, Art Practice. By David Berridge (2013). The Postcard is a Public Work of Art. Exhibition catalogue. (2014). X-Operative. (2014).