Ren Loren Britton & Goda Klumbytė

REN LOREN BRITTON is a trans*disciplinary artist and researcher tuning with practices of critical pedagogy, trans*feministtechnoscience and disability justice. Playing with the queer potential of undoing norms they practice joyful accountability to matters of collaboration, disability access, Black feminisms, instability and trans*politics.
GODA KLUMBYTĖ is an interdisciplinary scholar working between informatics and humanities & social sciences. Her research engages feminist new materialism, posthumanism, human-computer interaction and algorithmic systems design.
Together Goda and Ren have collaborated in academic, creative and speculative writing projects, such as performing material experiments with cyberfeminist practices for computing, writing about slime mould, critique of technocapitalism, and performing algorithms otherwise.
For their residency at Rupert Ren & Goda will develop an artistic-academic research project that takes slime molds as teachers that we as students can learn from about worldly processes, including algorithmic practices. Appreciating the shapeshifting qualities of both slime molds and algorithms in the planthroposcene, they will not draw boundaries to try and capture what slime molds “are” or how they can be “used” for some purposes, but rather attend to what these ancient beings can and want to share with us. Through this practice of careful attention and relationship building to these more-than-human beings, Ren and Goda will invite slime molds into a series of actions that will inform what we can come to know of them, if they wish to be known. From here questions about algorithmic processes and knowing algorithms in the planthroposcene will be unfolded. Throughout their residency time Algorithms & Slimes maintain an active studio notes journal and will experiment towards various sculptural works.

An inverted scene of a log in a grassy wood is shown. Sprinkled across the log is the oat spell ‘Slime.Call’