Talk & Workshop
Rupert invites: Marten Spangberg

Rupert invites Mårten Spångberg for a public 3-day workshop and a talk on choreographic practice, the increasing monetization of identity and performativity in art production, object-oriented ontology, Accelerationism, politics and aesthetics, possibility and potentiality and more.
Mårten Spångberg is a Swedish choreographer living and working in Stockholm. His interests concern choreography in the expanded field, something he has approached through experimental practices in a multiplicity of formats and expressions. He has been active on stage as a performer since 1994 and as a choreographer since 1999, creating both solo and group performances that have toured internationally. Under the label International Festival, he collaborated with architect Tor Lindstrand. From 1996 to 2005 Spångberg organized and curated festivals in Sweden and abroad. He initiated the network organization INPEX in 2006 gaining thorough experience in teaching theory and practice. Since 2008, he has been Director for the MA program in choreography at the University of Dance in Stockholm. He recently published a book entitled Spangbergianism that he describes as ‘174 pages of reactive hysteria’ expanding on his choreographic approach and on January 11th, he premiered in MoMA PS1 with La Substance.
The public artist talk will take place on Tuesday, 18 March at 6pm (Arts Printing House, Pocket Hall, Šiltadaržio st. 6, Vilnius).
The workshop will take place between 5:30 pm – 9 pm on Wednesday- Friday, March 19-21 at the Arts Printing House (Šiltadaržio st. 6, Vilnius). It’s free and open for all, but please register at in advance. It is recommended to attend all three days of the workshop.
The event series is supported by the Lithuanian Ministry of Culture.