Unthinkable Nomos Workshop

Unthinkable and Rupert invites participants to the Unthinkable Nomos Workshop on November 6th at Rupert gallery space (Vaidilutės st. 79). Registration for participants is required, please send us a letter with brief info about you and your motivation to
Through collective sessions, we will form a research cluster to investigate the cardinal threads pertinent to rethinking our contemporary nomoi (plural of nomos). Following the Unthinkable Nomos Conference and Night, this workshop will be an investigation into some of the main aims outlined in the Unthinkable Nomos abstract as formulated above.
Four working groups will be formed to coordinate a concentrated research area, defined by four important research threads. In recognition of diversity in thought, and in order to develop the integrity and rigour of a collective thinking practice, later to be refined and posed to the invited informants – scholars in according areas of research, important to the development of the platform for rethinking and unthinking the nomos.
This is a methodology that has been uniquely conceived within Unthinkable in order to maximize the creative potential and intellectual efficiency for collective research in a new formation. Confirmed videocall guests for the Sunday workshop in Rupert are: Nick Srnicek, lecturer at City University, author of Platform Capitalism (Polity), Inventing the Future: Postcapitalism and a World Without Work (Verso, with Alex Williams), and the forthcoming After Work: What’s Left and Who Cares? (Verso, with Helen Hester) and Pete Wolfendale, a post-doctoral research fellow at the University of Johannesburg. Wolfendale’s work develops the consequences of philosophical rationalism for the philosophy of mind, aesthetics, and metaphysics. He is the author of ‘Object-Oriented Philosophy: The Noumenon’s New Clothes’ (Urbanomic 2014).
The Four Working Groups are organised by these Topical Threads:
De-Coloniality, Transmodernity, Epistemo-Diversity
Platform Capitalism and Planetary Computation
Extra-Territoriality and Global (In)Justice
Social Intelligence
Unthinkable is an interdisciplinary research platform constructed bya constellation of artists, curators, editors, thinkers and theorists interested in the problematics of the Baltics, Eastern Europe, Central Europe and the Balkans. By engaging in the critique and expansion of some accelerationist ideas, the aim is to think, unthink, re-narrativize and speculate on the region. Mobilizing perspectives from inside and outside the region in non-institutional contexts, Unthinkable proposes to advance discussions within the discourse through public interventions, events, workshops, reading rooms and on the web platform.
Find more on Unthinkable website.
The event is organised by Unthinkable research platform in collaboration with Rupert and with support of Lithuanian Culture Council.