Earth Bonds II

On Saturday 4 May 2024, the second edition of the contemporary art festival Earth Bonds II returns to Rupert.
The programme includes an international group of artists offering an unforgettable day of discussions, workshops, and performances, then culminates in a special night programme.
Earth Bonds II continues to scrutinize the intensifying climate crisis. We focus this year on visions of humanity’s future—countering the anxiety of our overwhelming conditions with optimistic dreams, reinforced by the dawn of spring.
Artists and creators Marijn Degenaar, oxi peng, Kim Kraczon, Calum Bowden, monica maria moraru, and Eglė Kliučinskaitė invite you to explore the themes of human connection to the landscape and society’s speculative futures.
Their contributions highlight the critical importance of calming, breathing, and concentration rituals as we face the stress of sustainability in all its forms—political, social, economic, and ecological. Eclectic artistic practices will be transformed into discussions, workshops, and performances, building the present while dreaming of a future that is still to be imagined.
The festival culminates in a new opera performance by bones tan jones, ‘Sacrificial Tripod (Parasites of Pangu 2.0)’, created during their Rupert residency.
When darkness falls, the audience is invited to join the Earth Bonds II night programme of international DJs, organised by the music and art space Draugų vardai. Here we can recover from the day’s exertions, converse about new experiences, and sip soothing tea. Music selected by Draugu vardai also accompanies the daytime programme.
The installation ‘Not An Hour’ by monica maria moraru will be on view throughout the event.
13:00 ‘Nie La’ – taste of the southern mountains. Tea workshop by oxi peng & Marijn Degenaar. Registration link:
14:00 FEW AND FAR BETWEEN. Workshop by Calum Bowden. Registration link:
14:15 Orestis Roubos (DJ programme by ‘Draugų vardai’)
14:00 Nie La’ – taste of the southern mountains. Tea workshop by oxi peng & Marijn Degenaar. Registration link:
15:00 Discussion on sustainable prototypes. Eglė Kliučinskaitė and bones tan jones, moderated by Viktorija Šiaulytė
16:00 Empowering artists for climate leadership by Kim Kraczon
17:00 LIVE and DJ performance by Jokūbas Čižikas
19:00 ‘shells that glow like aembers’ performance by oxi peng & Marijn Degenaar
20:00 ‘Sacrificial Tripod (Parasites of Pangu 2.0)’ performance by bones tan jones
21:30 Cécilia Noiraud (music programme by ‘Draugų vardai’)
23:30 Karolis Čivinskas ‘Valkata’ (music programme by ‘Draugų vardai’)
Participants: bones tan jones, monica maria moraru, Calum Bowden, Marijn Degenaar, Yiou Penelope Peng, Kim Kraczon, Eglė Kliučinskaitė, Viktorija Šiaulytė
The performers of Sacrificial Tripod (Parasites of Pangu 2.0): Laura Marija Balčiūnaitė, Alina Pilecka, Malka Sultan, Žygimantas Julijus Bėrontas, Paulius Janusonis, Samuels Ozoliņš, Gabija Liuta, Reyna Deyna
Costume designer – Elena Marija Veleckaitė
Music Programme: Draugų vardai
Food Programme: Mantas Lozuraitis x DMV Valakampiai
Curators: JL Murtaugh, Viktorija Šiaulytė, Rugilė Miliukaitė
Coordinator: Rugilė Miliukaitė
Production manager: Eglė Kliučinskaitė
Communication: Aistė Marija Stankevičiūtė
Graphic design: Marijn Degenaar
Sound engineer: Ignas Juzokas
Light design: Justas Bø
Advisor: Antanas Gerlikas
Technicians: Matas Šatūnas, Jokūbas Adamonis
Translator: Paulius Balčytis
Copy-editor: Evelina Zenkutė
The sustainable institution project is funded by the European Union and Lithuanian Culture Institute.
Earth Bonds II is part of the long-term international project the sustainable institution, Rupert’s multiyear cooperation with partners E-WERK Luckenwalde (Germany) and LUMA Arles (France). This project is co-funded by the European Union and Teltow-Fläming.Rupert’s programmes are financed by the Lithuanian Council for Culture.
Supported by: Vilnius City Municipality, Tech Zity.
Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the other granting authorities. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.