Q. How many works and photos can be submitted per application?
A. The maximum number of works or artistic projects is five; however, you can include as many pictures as you wish to fully portray these five works. The complete portfolio should not exceed 20 pages.
Q. Does a writing sample count as a work? How should I proceed if my work consists of sound?
A. A portfolio can include samples of your writing and any other material advocating for your experience. We accept up to 5 pages (A4) of written text in total, which can include no more than five different pieces of your writing or a sound work. If you would like to submit an audio work, please remember that audio works should be accompanied by a short description and a working link.
Q. Is it possible to apply for the residency as a collective? Should members submit separate applications?
A. It is possible to apply as a collective for the residency. However, a collective should not consist of more than 3 people. Please take into account the limited space available at our studios. Duos and collectives should send one application form and a joint portfolio.
Q. What about travel costs? Does Rupert offer stipends for selected residents?
A. Rupert does not offer any direct financial aid for residents, however, we do encourage the selected participants to apply for external financial support to cover their travel costs or per diem expenses. Our team assists in providing the selected candidates with letters of support and other documents whenever needed.
Q. Is the residency open to artists with children?
A. We have had children accompanying our residents in the past, so the answer is yes!
Q. Is the residency working space combined with the living space?
A. Yes, Rupert’s residency working space is combined with the living space. Furthermore, the bathrooms, toilets and kitchen are shared with others.