Sixth volume of ‘Articulations’: tangible thoughts

Thursday 11 July, 19:00
Rupert (Vaidilutės st. 79)
Gosia Lehmann, Ceci Moss, Ren Loren Britton & Goda Klumbyte

Often a wide chasm exists between artistic concept and execution. Research, scholarship, and theory can only take creativity so far—the ‘last mile’ of received knowledge rests on the implementation of the tangible, and the alchemy of the intangible. Doing supersedes saying. The creative practitioners in this edition have put their varied ideas into action, in public and outside the normal borders of artistic production.

The four artists and creatives participating in the sixth edition of Articulations invite us to share our time and thoughts in the leafy surroundings of Rupert. During the special picnic, each resident will present a sample of their current projects—culinary, biological, organisational — and discuss their development during their stay at Rupert.

Gosia Lehmann is an artist, who works in a research-driven approach. Using techniques from film-making and theatre, she explores the interdependent relationship between fact and belief and how arbitrary the distinction between them can be. Staging, re-enacting and performing magic tricks are her tools to investigate the subjectivity of ‘knowing’.

Ceci Moss is a curator, writer, and educator with two decades of professional practice. She is dedicated to leveraging art to foster empathy, human connection, intellectual exchange, and creative experimentation. Her work is driven by a commitment to advancing a more just and equitable world.

Ren Loren Britton is a trans*disciplinary artist and researcher tuning with practices of critical pedagogy, trans*feministtechnoscience and disability justice. Playing with the queer potential of undoing norms they practice joyful accountability to matters of collaboration, disability access, Black feminisms, instability and trans*politics.

Goda Klumbytė is an interdisciplinary scholar working between informatics and humanities & social sciences. Her research engages feminist new materialism, posthumanism, human-computer interaction and algorithmic systems design.

Together Goda and Ren have collaborated in academic, creative and speculative writing projects, such as performing material experiments with cyberfeminist practices for computing, writing about slime mould, critique of technocapitalism, and performing algorithms otherwise.

Articulations is a cycle of seasonal public events that provide opportunities to discover Rupert’s artists-in-residence and their work.

The event will be held in English.

Curator: JL Murtaugh
Coordinator: Aistė Frišmantaitė, Rugilė Miliukaitė
Communication: Aistė Marija Stankevičiūtė
Graphic design: Jonė Miškinytė
Translation: Paulius Balčytis
Editor: Evelina Zenkutė (LT)

Rupert is financed by the Lithuanian Council for Culture and sponsored by Vilnius City Municipality, Tech Zity
Special thanks to Viktorija Šiaulytė, Rugilė Miliukaitė.