Open Call
Accelerate@CERN Lithuania 2015/2016: Open Call (deadline extended)

Accelerate@CERN Lithuania is the first opportunity for a Lithuanian artist to carry out artistic research in the field of visual arts inspired by the world of particle physics in intense dialog with the scientists of CERN.
Particle physics considers notions of time, space and gravity to understand what constructs the universe while being invisible to the naked eye. CERN, the world’s largest particle physics laboratory, provides an inspirational place to realize ambitious visual artwork and to expand artistic practice into new creative dimensions.
By entering an open competition, CERN, in Geneva (Switzerland) in partnership with Rupert in Lithuania, offers an individual artist the opportunity to have a one-month research stay at one of the most important laboratories of the world. CERN is the birthplace of the World Wide Web, as well as the world’s largest machine, the 27km Large Hadron Collider with which scientists investigate the origins of the universe.
CERN is also a highly regarded center for advance science as well as a cutting edge institution in the contemporary culture. As one of the world’s leading research laboratories, CERN offers a perfect and stimulating environment to host and inspire the development and research of an outstanding new piece of art.
Creators who have the Lithuanian nationality can submit their project proposal for taking up an artistic investigation in connection with the scientific realm. The deadline for submissions is January 25th, 2016.
The beneficiary will work at CERN for one month, during which time he/she will be introduced to the different aspects of the research conducted there. The experience will be curated by Mónica Bello, head and curator of Arts@CERN. The artists will be invited to dialog and discuss ideas with some of the great scientific minds of today’s science, engaging with theoretical notions of time and space, as well as encountering the practical cutting edge engineering used in the experiments.
An international jury of experts will review the submissions and select the winner. The laureate artist will spend a month at CERN and will receive a grant of CHF 5’000 (Swiss Francs). There is also a designated fund to cover the subsistence, lodging and all travel costs. Further information about the conditions of application for the Open Call can be found below.
The project is supported by the Lithuanian Council for Culture