Flesh of Prose – a workshop by Jaakko Pallasvuo and Anni Puolakka

Rupert in collaboration with Autarkia kindly invites you to Flesh of Prose – a writing workshop by artists and residents at Rupert Jaakko Pallasvuo and Anni Puolakka in which we will explore character through observation, and, in turn, observe our surroundings through a character. The workshop will take place on Saturday, November 3rd, at Autarkia (Naugarduko str. 41, Vilnius) from 12 to 5 pm with a hour lunch break at 2pm.
During the day we will create textual material for fleshing out fictional characters. The character you create might play a role in your future artwork – a piece of writing, video, performance, or something else – or only be alive for the day.
The general language of the workshop is English but it is possible to use another writing language during the exercises.
The workshop will consist of short writing exercises, an excursion to the outside world and sharing sessions. Sharing means reading writing in process out loud to each other. Instead of prioritising critique of each others’ texts, we will practice listening to them with as few preconceptions as possible.
Bring your preferred writing tools (pen and paper, laptop, phone, or so).
Information about the workshop organisers:
Anni Puolakka (b. 2048) and Jaakko Pallasvuo (b. 1666) are in residency at Rupert for the months of October and November. They work collaboratively, collectively and individually, writing texts that form a coiled spine to their video, performance and installation practices. They are based in Rotterdam and Helsinki.
There is limited space available in the workshop. If you are interested in participating, please e-mail a couple of sentences about yourself and why you’re interested in the workshop to: jaakkopallasvuo@gmail.com and anni.puolakka@gmail.com with the title: Flesh of Prose 2018 by 31st of November.
Rupert Residency programme is kindly supported by Lithuanian Council for Culture.