Online talk: Geomantic Slumber

Rupert invites all to an online talk by Lisa Robertson as part of Rupert’s 2020 exhibition, ‘Other Rooms’. The talk will be streamed online on Rupert’s YouTube page, 27 October, 2020 at 19:00 (EET).
Poet Lisa Robertson’s lecture will range across the neo-baroque, the cosmology of melancholy, grief, queer medicine, dogs, naturecultures, ontological choreography and related topics (perhaps also perfume and weeds) considering texts by Djuna Barnes ‘Nightwood’, Severo Sarduy ‘Cobra’, Walter Benjamin ‘Trauerspiel’ with a cameo by Dürer.
Lisa Robertson is a Canadian poet who works at the intersections of essay and verse, research and invention, the terrestrial and the utopian, the plastic arts and literature. Her most recent books of poetry, published in Toronto by Coach House Books, are 3 Summers, Cinema of the Present, and Lisa Robertson’s Magenta Soul Whip. Nilling, a book of prose essays, appeared in 2012 with Book*Hug, and this year a novel, The Baudelaire Fractal was published. Currently she is undertaking research on troubadour love poetry as resistance culture, for ‘If I Can’t Dance’, in Amsterdam, as part of an ongoing study of medieval lyric called wide rime. She lectures, performs and teaches across Europe, in Canada and in the USA, and lives in a small village in the Nouvelle Aquitaine region of France.
Rupert’s 2020 exhibition, Other Rooms opens on 2 October and will run through to 31 October, 2020 at the Artists’ Association gallery, Vilnius.
Address: Vokiečių str. 2, Vilnius.
Monday-Friday 10-18, Saturday 10-16, Sundays-closed.
Further details here.
Rupert’s activities are supported by the Lithuanian Council for Culture.
The exhibition is further supported by Vilnius municipality, and is a part of the project ‘Who cares?’ co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union.
Partners: Artists’ Association Gallery, Lithuanian Artists’ Association, Pakrantė.