monica maria moraru

monica maria moraru (Romania/Canada) is a visual artist whose work seeks within the characteristics of material practice a cinematic expressionism. Her projects often culminate in sculpture, moving-image, installation and sound. Across mediums, her work searches for sensorial and political resonances within a patchwork of temporal and relational histories.
While at Rupert, monica will work with writing, research and sound-based experimentations as a foundation for a new moving-image work. Her research will focus on vibrational seismic-isolation technologies and the sonic phenomenon of object resonance frequency as a means to propose alternative understandings of psychic sedimentation and fragmented generational memory. Her ongoing research seeks to conjure sensorial polyphonics to decode how contemporary ecological and state-sanctioned crisis become enfolded in a politics of projection, fantasy and mythology.
Photo credits: Johan Arthurs, 16mm still.