Nina Kuttler

Nina Kuttler (b. 1993) was educated, amongst other places, in Art Schools in Hamburg (DE) and Hangzhou (CHN). In her artistic practise, she is interested in liquid body limits and fluid frames. Her writings about the immune system and crumbs in a post-humanistic jungle habitually merge into the table they have been written on.
Her aim is to merge a croissant into its crumbs and back so that it might dissolve in an adjective. She is interested in the body and its vulnerability as an analogy merging into sociology and the political public. Within a biological thinking about the world and its inhabitants the body is the smallest understandable entity and therefore serves as transcultural point of reference. In a time where the construction of a so-called self or identity doesn’t properly apply on the way she wants to think about the world she inhabits she’d rather think about how to merge my skin into the table I am working on than replace my language by another. This research might involve writing (about sneezing on music or the immune system as a linguistic tool), filming (greenhouses, creatures and bleeding architecture) or a lecture about croissant crumbs. She hopes to find another physical condition by dealing with those subjects, may it be crumbs, crispy or just somewhat salty. However she hopes not to merge into a croissant herself.
Photo ©Noémi Barbaglia