Nina Power: Social reproduction, art, labour, emotion

Rupert invites you to a talk by Nina Power on social reproduction, art, labour and emotion. The talk will take place on Friday 13 November 2015 at Malūnų st. 3 (VDA – C1, ground floor) at 4.30 pm.
“Social reproduction, art, labour, emotion” examines concepts of social reproduction – the activities and attitudes, behaviours and emotions as Johanna Brenner puts it, that are directly involved in the maintenance of life on a daily basis. It examines various feminist arguments regarding the relationship between social reproduction and work, amongst which the wages for housework campaign and the criticism of waged work and proposals for its abolition. It also examines the limits of the possibility of striking where care work is concerned, and asks what the role of art in relation to social reproduction might be. It discusses some recent thoughts around the question of weaponising emotions, or mobilising affect in the name of a feminist politics that starts from the standpoint of social reproduction under capitalism.
This talk marks the first in a series of talks organised by Rupert in collaboration with The Academy of Fine Art at Oslo National Academy of the Arts (Norway) and The Living Art Museum (Iceland) in conjunction with the exhibition ‘Double Bind’ currently on view at Rupert. Upcoming lectures by Florian Cramer, Travis Jeppesen, Joshua Simon and Marina Vishmidt will look at social reproduction, affective labor, emotion economies, object-oriented writing, post-digital research and neo-materialism among other themes. Additional information and supporting texts will soon be available on the blog.
The project “Interdisciplinary Art Project “Politics of Emotion: Art in the Expanded Sphere”“ is a collaboration between Rupert (Lithuania), The Living Art Museum (Iceland) and Oslo National Academy of the Arts (Norway). It is produced under the Programme LT07, the EEA Financial Mechanism and Lithuanian Republic. Thank you also to Vilnius Academy of Arts for offering us a space.