Phanos Kyriacou

Phanos Kyriacou was born in Nicosia (1977), Cyprus and graduated from Middlesex School of Fine Arts (Quicksilver Place) in London. In 2007 he completed his MFA at Goldsmiths University of London and currently living and working in Nicosia. He had a number of solo presentations including: 2015 ,“Daily Life”, Maccarone, New York, “Who is Nathan?”, Rupert, Vilnius, “The Adventures of a Giant Midget,” Thkio Ppalies, Nicosia / 2014 “view to river from north,” Maccarone, New York / 2013 “Between a woman and a mountain,” The Temporary Museum, Nicosia, Cyprus / 2012 “Intimate long shot” curated by Androulla Michael at Chypre Culture, Paris , “corners concrete pine wood man standing”’, Kinderhook&Caracas ,Berlin / 2011 “Everyone should walk’,curated by Tanja Schomaker, Salon Popular Berlin, “On Handling Considered as one of the Fine Arts” at Kreuzberg Pavilion, Berlin, “I am going to have to disappoint you”, curated by Lorenzo Sandoval, at Altes Finamzant, Berlin , “Glimpses and observations”, Glogauair Residency Program Berlin /2010 “It was an odd, almost unreal landscape, not without a certain beauty” Omikron Gallery, Nicosia / 2009 “Crash helmets must be removed’ at APOTHEKE / Nicosia. He has also participated in a large number of group exhibitions in Cyprus and abroad including: 2016,” completely something else” curated by Jacopo Crivelli Visconti, Point Centre for Contemporary Art, Nicosia / “One , No One and One Hundred Thousand” curated by Luca lo Pinto, Kunsthalle Vienna / 2014 “Non-standard testimonials,” curated by Peter Eramian, David Dale Gallery, Glasgow / 2013 Oo – The Cyprus / Lithuan Paviilion curated by Raimundas Malašauskas at the 55th Venice Biennale, “Fusiform Gyrus” curated by Raimundas Malašauskas at Lisson Gallery / 2012 “Blind spot” at the Grimm Museum curated by Silvia Ploner, Berlin, “Urban-A- Where curated by Socratis Stratis” at Casteliotissa, Nicosia, “Mapping Cyprus – Contemporary Views” curated by Androula Michael at Bozar, Brussels / 2011 “Terra MeIditerranea- In Crisis” curated by Yiannis Toumazis at NiMAC, Nicosia, “The location of culture”, curated by Pavlina Paraskevaidou at Pulchri Studio, The Netherlands / 2010 “Chypre 2010, L’art aupresent”, Espace Commines, Paris, France curated by Yiannis Toumazis &Andri Michael / 2009 “Synergia” with Angelos Makridis curated by Yiannis Toumazis at the Cyprus Archaeological Museum.
‘Who’s Nathan?’ A fragment is an an isolated or incomplete part of something, and so these are the fragments of the conversation Nathan added to his collection of recollections: parts always lead to other parts as a necessary act of existential justification; a stone is never manmade; points of narrative as opposed to points of reference; I’ll never get lonesome if Ihold a piece of wood in my hand; the balance achieved by a counter balance framed by the necessity for verticality; Object>Fitting; relics embedded with possibilities of poetic functionality; arranging as a form of language in motion; found as a way of seeing (also in a way all the objects we see are found or become found at some point, the act of ‘showing’; as a rite of passage of the object into the realms of the found ); the body in relation with the outside (something in the middle or something in between?); the host as a servant and a master; fraɡm(ə)nt; an outdoor ashtray, a lampshade, a dustbin and a manhole cover as circumferences;