Residents Announced for January-June, 2015

Dear All,
I would like to welcome our new set of residents for the period of January-June 2015 selected through our Open Call by a jury consisting of artist and Vilnius Academy of Arts Vice-Rector Julijonas Urbonas, Rupert Director Justė Jonutytė and Rupert Curator Maya Tounta. Artists, curators and writers selected for residency include: Eleanor Vonne Brown (UK), Anna Clawson & Nicole Ward (UK, Ireland), Beth Collar (UK), Mike Crane (USA), Alan Fertil & Damien Teixidor (France, Belgium), Simone Frangi (Italy), Kaspars Groševs (Latvia), Jason Hendrik Hansma (Pakistan, Netherlands), Shama Khanna (Kenya, UK), Sanna Marander & Niklas Tafra (Sweden), Jasmine Picot-Chapman & Leopold Thun (UK, Switzerland), Matthew Alexander Post (USA, Poland), Jo-ey Tang (Hong Kong, USA, France), Viktor Timofeev (Latvia, UK) and Alex Turgeon (Canada, Germany).
I am also very pleased to announce the launch of Rupert’s by-invitation residencies, welcoming first Swedish choreographer Mårten Spångberg in January & February and later hosting a curated residency by Maija Rudovska and Justė Kostikovaitė (Blind Carbon Copy) in March, for which an open call will be announced soon. The latter will form part of an accompanying Curators Go to The Bar 90+ event featuring Rózsa Zita Farkas (Arcadia Missa, UK) and Hannah Heilmann (Toves, DK) scheduled to take place in Vilnius in that same month.
The next Open Call for the period of July-December 2015 will be announced in February – March.