Rupert Journal on the air!

Over the years, Rupert has hosted many of the world’s most thought-provoking artists, writers, researchers, curators, activists and practitioners, working in fields that encompass art, film, geography, philosophy, economics and law (just to name a few). With our three interrelated programmes – residency, public and alternative education – we have explored a range of ideas and held many conversations, some of which have been made public in showcases, exhibitions, talks and events, whilst others have taken place in the corridors, studios and kitchen of Rupert.
On January 19th, we will launch Rupert’s Journal – an online resource that allows us to expand and continue these conversations. The journal includes: specially commissioned contributions; texts and documentation from our exhibitions and events; reading lists and resources from our monthly reading sessions; and an archive of our past talks and events.
The contributions will be uploaded throughout the year and will generally relate to the ideas and practices Rupert focuses on each year. The journal is an act of gathering and gleaning, an ongoing editorial project of passing on and sharing.
This first issue is rooted in the public programmes of 2020, underpinned by ideas of care and interdependence. At the beginning of 2020, our public programmes began a journey of sharing thoughts, perspectives and practices that expressed a counter-narrative to the intertwined ideologies of individualism and competition. As we read through this issue’s contents, let us make sure that these words of care, interdependence and commitment do not become mere ‘themes’ that we pass over, but the beginnings of thoughts, conversations and practices that we pass on. Care is an ongoing project of cultivating attention to our interdependencies. In one sense, care is never completed or resolved. We are grappling, to use one of Eli Clare’s favoured verbs, with each other, configuring and reconfiguring how we are aligned within this ever emerging world, as we continuously move together. Care is ongoing and relational, we have to keep exercising it by listening carefully, unlearning what we think we know. In this sense, care is an act of commitment.
The reading session dedicated to the first journal issue will be held on January 19th at 18:00 (Vilnius time).
You are welcome to join the journal’s authors and its editor, Yates Norton, to discuss the contributions. We will be focusing on how the texts have approached care and interdependence not as ‘themes’ but as integral aspects of artistic, institutional and everyday life. We will discuss how attention, wonder and commitment are foundational for care-ful and responsible ways of living together.
The reading session will be open to a limited number of people and will be streamed on Rupert’s YouTube channel.
There will be a maximum of 30 spaces availables for the reading session, selected on a first come first serve basis. Extracts from the texts and a Zoom link will be sent to registered participants.
Rupert’s activities are supported by the Lithuanian Council for Culture. The first issue is further supported by the project ‘Who Cares?’, co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union.
1st issue editor: Yates Norton
Texts authors: Angels Miralda Tena, Artūras Tereškinas, Eli Clare, Yates Norton, Jaakko Pallasvuo, Jussi Koitela, Oli Mould, Rob Crosse, Samantha Lippett, Sarah Lippett, Sophie Seita, Vaiva Grainytė, Viviana Checchia, Yvonne Billimore
Language editors: Dangė Vitkienė (LT), Yates Norton (ENG)
Translators: Erika Urbelevič, Paulius Balčytis, Rimas Uzgiris, Darius Sužiedėlis
Design: TAKTIKA Mantas Rimkus and Nerijus Keblys
Programming: Andrius Zupkus
Thanks to: Gabrielė Marija Vasiliauskaitė, Rugilė Miliukaitė, Simona Šulnytė