Rupert at Komplot: Apples in a State of Tax Levy

Vytenis Burokas, Justė Jonutytė, Tim Kliukoit, Augustas Serapinas and Maya Tounta
During the last few months, Vilnius-based artists Augustas Serapinas, Vytenis Burokas and Tim Kliukoit, improvised a fruit press and a grinder. For their performance in Komplot, the group, joined by Justė Jonutytė and Maya Tounta, will be operating these unique machines brought to Brussels from Lithuania by car along with a few dozen kilos of Lithuanian apples. Passersby will be welcome to work the machines themselves, while fresh juice and cocktails prepared onsite will be served for everybody to enjoy.
Vilnius-based Vytenis Burokas creates art informed by the visible manifestations of history in architecture and common space, documenting time passing and cataloguing movements that form the basis to how we envision history and respond to its traces. Justė Jonutytė is Director at Rupert, a centre for Art & Education in Vilnius, Lithuania. Recently curated shows by Jonutytė include Dora Garcia: The Jerusalem of Europe (2013) and Lia Perjovschi: Knowledge Museum Kit & Dan Perjovschi: Time Specific (2014) and upcoming: Laure Prouvost solo show and event series (2014-2015). Tim Kliukoit works to re-contextualise the media of object and image installation, exploring the quotidien by considering the familiar as a phenomenon. Augustas Serapinas is a Vilnius-based artist whose work addresses site-specificity in artworks placed in urban settings, incorporating interactive elements such as a riveraft or a hammock in a drainpipe to draw attention to hidden spaces and under-used processes accessible within the public domain. Maya Tounta is Curator at Rupert (LT) where she runs curatorial programs as part of the Educational, Exhibition and Residency programs, organizing lectures, workshops, exhibitions and other related events for program participants and the wider public.
Komplot —
295, Avenue Van Volxemlaan
B-1190 Brussels
With the support of the Lithuanian Council for Culture, Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie, COCOF and Gemeente Vorst.