Rupert Reading (Listening) Session #14 AM Kanngieser: To sense the world

Rupert continues its monthly Reading Sessions! Every month, a member of Rupert’s team or an invited guest selects material to discuss. This time we want to do things differently.
It is the time of the year when sweaty fingers are too slippery for the keyboard and weary eyes turn away from the screen, gazing at the great outdoors. That’s why we are inviting you to go outside and listen together with AM Kangieser. After all, sensing the magic of the world requires learning how to listen. until 14, June!
How we gonna do it:
-Registered participants (up to 25) will receive a reading list and listening instructions.
-AM Kangieser prepared listening exercises for one week. Don’t worry, it will take just a few minutes each day.
-After one week we will meet on Zoom to share our experiences.
About the session
How we live in the world is always interdependent and situated within environments and place. Listening is a way of feeling into these relations. Listening is not only about aural hearing it is about sensing, attuning and noticing. In this session, participants will be asked to undertake a daily listening practice to connect both to where they are and to try to become sensitive to how they relate to their surroundings, and how their surroundings shift and change in relation to them.
AM Kanngieser is a geographer, sound artist and Marie Curie Research Fellow in Geography at Royal Holloway University of London. They are the author of Experimental Politics and the Making of Worlds (2013) and Between Sound and Silence: Listening towards Environmental Relations (forthcoming), and have published in interdisciplinary journals including South Atlantic Quarterly, Progress in Human Geography and Environment and Planning D. Their collaborative audio work has been featured on Documenta 14 Radio, BBC 3, ABC Radio National, The Natural History Museum London, Arts Centre Melbourne, Radio del Museo Reina Sofía, Deutschland Radio and QAGOMA. They are part of the Institute for Freshwater Fish Futures.