Rupert’s Alternative Education Programme’s Final Events

Alternative Education Programme’s Final Exhibition: Adero
Rupert is pleased to invite you to Adero, the final exhibition of the Alternative Education Programme.
Opening: 25 November 2022, 20:00
Exhibition dates: 25 November–12 December 2022
Address: Tech Zity Lilium (Paneriu st. 43, Vilnius)
Visiting hours:
Thursday, Friday 16:00-19:00
Saturday 14:00-18:00
The 10th edition of the Alternative Education Programme comes to a close with Adero, an exhibition in the time-travelling sewing factory Lelija (en. Lily). Over a two-day launch event spanning different spaces, temporalities and worlds, works by the participants conceived during the six months of the programme will be shared.
The name of the exhibition—the Latin word adero—carries three meanings: ‘I arrive’, ‘I attend’ and ‘I am present’. It is a word that transgresses the boundaries of everyday language and spills into the unknown. The three meanings, like flickering shrouds, reveal and obscure the six-month-long process they name. It is a spell that has yet to solidify itself into the grimoires of the present, freely echoing in the vast, dim spaces of the old factory.
Six months ago, arriving signified the beginning of the Alternative Education Programme but for the participants, that meant different things: returning from abroad, staying in their hometown or relocating to a country they had never visited to attend the programme they read about on the internet. Arriving was a form of trust, a gesture towards that unknown, an indication of being just the right amount of passionate and unhinged to commit.
For the six months, attending was an extension of arriving—a seal of trust, the growth of relationships and an increasing number of shared social media stories. The programme provided a framework that was quite adamant about attending the workshops, seminars and trips. However, attending was also a form of knowledge exchange, agency and reciprocity.
During the six months, being present meant being in the moment, occupying spaces and embracing their flows. Being present also meant becoming spectral—gathering and dissolving into pools of knowledge, leaving traces and exploring metaphors. Being present often took the shape of an ethereal labyrinth, where education morphed in the throbbing lights of the sensuous and the excessive. It moved and swayed, leaked and dripped, creating porous pathways into the future.
Like Anna Tsing* once invited us to follow matsutake mushrooms through the daunting ruins of a damaged world, we too invite you to follow the echoes and traces of Adero through the labyrinths of a crumbling factory in hope of finding ways to live in the precarity of the future.
*Tsing, Anna The Mushroom at the End of the World
Exhibition artists
HASHIA, Misti studio, Delphine Lejeune, laura fernández antolín, Laura Marija Balčiūnaitė, Ana Lipps, Algirdas Jakas, Dovydas Laurinaitis, iolo Walker
Curator: Tautvydas Urbelis
Coordinator: Rugilė Miliukaitė
Coordinating architect: Eglė Kliučinskaitė
Communication: Gabrielė Marija Vasiliauskaitė
Assistant curator: Brigit Arop
Design: Studio Misti, Delphine Lejeune
Sound engineer: Antanas Dombrovskij
Installation: Tauras Kensminas
Light designer: Justas Bø
Translator: Paulius Balčytis
Copy editors: Dovydas Laurinaitis, Jurij Dobriakov, Kristina Pilitauskienė
Tutors of the programme: Bones Tan Jones, Denis Petrina, Dorota Gawęda and Eglė Kulbokaitė, Joey Holder, Mary Maggic, Nisha Ramayya, Agency Agency (Victoria Meniakina and Roel van Herpt), Aikas Žado Laboratory (Eglė Ambrasaitė and Domas Noreika), Arts of the Working Class (Dalia Maini and Amelie Jakubek), Verpėjos (Laura Garbštienė)
Special thanks: Julija Reklaitė, Jonė Miškinytė, Monika Lipšic, Viktorija Šiaulytė, Anna Chostegian, Linas Ramanauskas, Jurgita Seriakovienė, Eglė Bazaraitė, Lina Koseleva, Daina Eičaitė, Kai Art Centre (Estonia), Notam (Norway), Experiments Platform by Architecture Fund
The Gathering of Alternative Art Education
Date: 24–25 November 2022
Times: 24 November, 17:00–19:45, 25 November 16:00–19:30
Location: Tech Zity Lilium (Paneriu st. 43, Vilnius)
The gathering will be held in English
Rupert is pleased to invite you to The Gathering of Alternative Art Education as part of the final events of the Alternative Education Programme. This event aims to provide space to share knowledge, experience, and insights about the current state and possible futures of art education.
During the gathering, all three concepts – alternative, art, and education, as well as their connections will be subjected to the transdisciplinary inquiry. The invited speakers will raise questions and share their experience on knowledge sharing not bounded by one discipline or strict taxonomies. During the two-day event, practitioners and theoreticians will invite to step beyond dominant frameworks and will make proposals for a better understanding of art education.
Gathering – a term borrowed from philosopher Bruno Latour reflecting the ever-changing world and relationships that constitute us within the world. This gathering does not seek for a hierarchies-driven illusion of objectivity. Instead, it suggests togetherness that stems for matters of concerts rather than matters of fact. By admitting socio-political, historical and cultural entanglements, the event opens up spaces to think about new forms of education and being together.
Rupert invites theoreticians, researchers, and practitioners representing different approaches and methodologies to participate in this event, as well as those currently looking for alternatives to dominant educational structures. We hope that the gathering and subsequent events will encourage explorations of alternative ways to share knowledge, regardless of age, background, or current occupation.
Participating speakers
Olga Schubert and Elisabeth Krämer The New Alphabet School at HKW (Berlin, Germany),
Maarin Ekterman Prologues School (Tallinn, Estonia),
Asbjørn Blokkum Flø Notam (Oslo, Norway),
Hugo Hopping The Curatorial Thing at SixtyEight Art Institute (Copenhagen, Denmark),
Tautvydas Urbelis Alternative Education Programme at Rupert (Vilnius, Lithuania).
Curator: Tautvydas Urbelis
Coordinator: Rugilė Miliukaitė
Communication: Gabrielė Marija Vasiliauskaitė
Coordinator of DSL space: Eglė Kliučinskaitė
Assistant curator: Brigit Arop
Design: Studio Misti, Delphine Lejeune
Sound engineer: Antanas Dombrovskij
Translator: Paulius Balčytis
Copy editors: Dovydas Laurinaitis, Jurij Dobriakov, Kristina Pilitauskienė
Special thanks: Julija Reklaitė, Jonė Miškinytė, Monika Lipšic, Viktorija Šiaulytė, Linas Ramanauskas, Jurgita Seriakovienė, Eglė Bazaraitė, Lina Koseleva, Daina Eičaitė, Kai Art Centre (Estonia), Notam (Norway), Experiments Platform by Architecture Fund
Rupert’s activities are financed by the Lithuanian Council for Culture
Supported by: Vilnius City Municipality, Tech Zity, Nordic Culture Point