Saverio Cantoni

Saverio Cantoni is a white, masculine-presenting cyborg, disabled artist based in Berlin.

They build imagined accessible worlds, working with several media comprising sound, moving images, installation, and textiles. Their work is often activated by sharing foods or actively involving the audience. Lately, they are questioning the normative understanding of sensory information, working on sonic spaces that are not made to be just audible. Saverio’s work is informed by queer theory and crip theory, and they embrace tentacular thinking.

During their one-month residency at Rupert, Saverio will continue their research challenging normative understanding of sound perception, with a focus on a sound performance challenging audism.

Images: (above) ordinary dǝbug, 2021. Photographic documentation of the performance at Hopscotch Reading Room in Berlin the 20th of November 2021. Photo by Derin Cankaya.
(1 – below) What do you hear in a seashell? 2023. Still from the videoloop live mapping. Saverio Cantoni, 2023. (2 – below) What do you hear in a seashell? 2023. Still from the video documentation of the performance in Salina, Italy the 22nd of May 2023. Filmed by Kivanç Sert, and Savva Dudin, edited by Alice Dalgalarrondo, sound mastering by Stephen McEvoy.